The Imperial Swords Space Marine Chapter is a successor chapter of unknown origin and founding, renowned for their unwavering commitment to perfection in all things, particularly in the art of war. Unlike other Space Marine chapters, they also place great value on art and beauty, seeing it as a reflection of the divine beauty that lies within all things. For the Imperial Swords, the pursuit of excellence is not limited to combat and technology, but extends to every aspect of their existence.
From the earliest days of their training, the neophytes of the Imperial Swords are drilled in the art of war, but also in the appreciation of beauty and aesthetics. They learn to see the beauty in all things, whether it is the form and function of a weapon or the intricate patterns of nature. They are taught to create and preserve beauty wherever they go, whether that means crafting ornate armor or preserving ancient works of art.
The Imperial Swords see their genetic superiority to normal humans as their sacred duty to protect the weaker ones. They believe that it is their duty to use their strength and abilities to protect and serve those who cannot defend themselves. They are fiercely protective of the innocent and the vulnerable, and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety.
The combat doctrine of the Imperial Swords places great emphasis on preparation and careful planning. They believe that in order to achieve victory, one must be prepared for all possible scenarios and situations. As such, they always gather as much intelligence as possible before engaging in battle, and conduct their operations with precision and care.
The Imperial Swords currently lack a Chapter Master but are lead by the council of the thirty. Under their auspice & guidance, the chapter has become known for its unparalleled skill in battle, its exquisite craftsmanship, and its dedication to preserving the cultural heritage of the Imperium.
Despite their focus on art and aesthetics, the Imperial Swords are no less fearsome on the battlefield. They are highly skilled warriors, and their armor and weapons are crafted with precision and care. They are known to work closely with the Adeptus Mechanicus, sharing their knowledge and expertise to create weapons and equipment of unparalleled quality.
For the Imperial Swords, the pursuit of perfection is not just a goal, but a way of life. They see themselves as the guardians of a precious legacy, charged with preserving the best of what humanity has to offer for future generations. In all that they do, they strive for excellence, beauty, and protection, always seeking to achieve the perfect balance of form and function.