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Imperial Swords Chapter

Preparation is the key to Victory
Successors of:
Sword Angels
700 approximately
Chapter Master:
Varangia (Formerly)
Neo-Terra Secundus (Current)
Imperium of Man
Purple & White

The Imperial Swords was commissioned by the High Lords of Terra and created sometime in the 41st Millenium.  The chapter was tasked with patrolling the Imperium’s borders near the Ghoul Stars.    The Chapter has served the Imperium well and protected its borders from xeno threats.

The original core of the chapter was recruited from an Imperial compliant planet known as Varangia, a world that was rich with resources.  The planet was governed by a Terran appointed planetary governor, however the real power lies with the noble houses of Varangia.   As taxes increased, the nobles grew more concerned and voiced their displeasure.  They were rebuffed by the governor and informed that these taxes are needed to keep the Imperium safe from the many threats that threaten them.

The noble houses grudgingly accepted the explanation and tolerated the situation.  But with the power and wealth each house amassed.  They begin to think that they are better off seceding from the Imperium and in secret built up their power base as well as military strength.

At first things seems to remained the status quo.  Then another tax hike came, this time the noble houses of Varangia openly revolted against the Imperium.  After the Adeptus Arbites were routed, the planetary governor was imprisoned.  Engagements were fought between the PDF, noble house military and Adeptus Sororitas.   Since the people of Varangia are pious followers of the Imperial faith, they were more lenient with captive Adeptus Sororitas.  The Varangians only resented the high taxation imposed by the Imperial Government.

Word of their rebellion soon reached Holy Terra.  And the Imperium soon dispatched 389th Cadians, Sword Angel Space Marine Chapter & Imperial Navy to bring Varangia back into Imperium's fold.

The Imperial forces arrived and quickly disabled the orbital planetary defenses.  Liaising with remnants of the PDF still loyal to the Imperium & Adeptus Sororitas they quelled the rebellion and crushed all remaining resistance.  

Many Varangians were put to death for their transgressions against the Imperium and the heads of each noble houses were publicly executed.  But many more would have died if the Adeptus Sororitas from the Argent Shroud Order did not intervene.  They argued that the populace remain pious and loyal to the God Emperor and beseech the other Imperial Forces to be more lenient in their punishment.  

Lord Inquisitor Helumski in charge of leading the expedition agreed.  Rigorous trials and thorough interrogations were conducted by the inquisition with the process taking over a decade.   Finding no signs of heresy, the Inquisition granted the populace a more lenient sentence. 
All the orphans of the war were to become the property of the Imperium.  Drafted into service at young age they are, either sent to the Astra Militarum or given to the Adeptus Sororitas.
Furthermore, the first born of future generations of the Varagians were also to be given to the Imperium.
The fittest and strongest of the boys from each family will be taken from their families at the age of five and will later become the Imperial Swords Space Marines.  The rest inducted into Astra Militarum training programs at a young age.    While the first girls from the family were taken from their families and given to the Eccesiarchy to form new order of Adeptus Sororitas.

The Imperial Swords was originally based on the planet Varangia which they had recruited from.  After some 100 years in the service of the Imperium, Varangia was invaded by a Chaos Space Marine legion.  The majority of the Imperial Swords were station elsewhere, only the 8th company remained on the planet.  Despite their valiant efforts, the Space Marine and local PDF was overwhelmed and the planet was lost to Chaos.  
By the time, reinforcements arrived, the planet laid firmly within the control of Chaos Legion. The local populace refused to accept Chaos Gods as their new god and was ritually slaughtered down to the last child and sacrificed to the Lord of Pleasure.  The reinforcements had no other choice but to order an Exterminatus.   

Since then the Imperial Swords became a fleet based Space Marine Chapter for more than a century.
After the subsequent destruction of their mobile fortress monastery “The Sword of Light” along with most of the Imperial Swords fleet at the hands of the Tyranid Splinter fleet.  
The Imperial Swords then settle on the habitable planet known as Neo-Terra Secundus which they were later given stewardship due their assistance in colonizing the planet.

The Imperial Sword's gene seeds was created from those of Sword Angel Space Marine Chapter.  Another Space Marine chapter whose origins are shrouded in mystery.  The gene seeds are found to be perfect and stable, with no signs of mutations being observed.

Such a stable gene seed can only be derived from a founding chapter that suffered very little mutation.  It is therefore speculated by some that Imperial Swords gene seeds were originally derived from either the Ultramarine or the Dark Angels.   

The Imperial Swords neither confirmed or refuted such allegations. 

Because the Chapter was recruited from the populace, the Imperial Swords feel a certain connection to the common folks.  As such do not consider ordinary humans to be any lesser, deserving of equal respect.

They regard their physical superiority as a form of blessing and see themselves guardians of humanity.   Instrumental in protecting loyal subjects of the Emperor against any threats.

The Imperial Swords have also been observed to contain a streak of perfectionism in them.  Training Commanders are observed to be more demanding than most other Chapters and will continue the training until they are completely satisfied.

The Space Marines themselves are constantly training even after official designated training hours are over.  Their equipment and armor meticulously kept in the top condition.  Any damage is repaired, every stained removed from their armor.  Every boltgun kept lubricated.

The newly constructed fortress monastery also featured a section dedicated to knowledge, arts and music.  This has earned both praises as well as criticisms from other Imperial Organizations.  Some of which accuse the Imperial Swords for being frivolous. 

Chapter Beliefs
Like the world which they are recruited from the original Imperial Swords are also pious followers of the Imperial faith.   Staunch and unyielding, they would sometimes throw themselves recklessly into battle or stand their ground with the belief that divine right the Emperor will ensure their success.

However later events would eventually altered their beliefs.  The complete destruction of their homeworld and the near destruction of their Chapter at the hands of the Tyranid Hive fleet taught the Imperial Swords a harsh lesson that faith alone is insufficient.
The subsequent discovery of the original Imperial Truth aboard Space Hulk "Sword of Redemption", further reinforces this view.   

As a result, the Imperial Swords would eventually come to adopt the Imperial Truth as their belief.  

Ever since the Space Hulk "Sword of Redemption", was recovered by the Imperial Swords.  Small groups of Space Marines has depart for an unknown part of the galaxy in what the Imperial Swords describe as a personal quest and pilgrimage for the Space Marines.

It has been observed by some that, Space Marines with livery similar to the Imperial Swords were spotted in the vicinity of the Istvaan Sub-Sector.  Whether this holds any truth remains to be seen and the reason is as to why they may be there is also unknown.

Combat Doctrine
The Imperial Swords were once known to be strict followers of the Codex Arstartes.  Many times even when faced with great adversity, the Chapter would fight on believing that their faith in the Emperor alone shall allow them to overcome all obstacles.  This is also partly due to the guilt of being associated with Varangia.  To serve as a Space Marine is to redeem themselves in the name of the Emperor.

However, the Imperial Swords have suffered tremendous losses in more than one occasion.  The near destruction of the Chapter in particular forced them to adopt a more pragmatic and practical approach towards warfare.  As such are not closed to using other less than orthodox method to secure victory nor will they foolishly hold their ground when tactical withdrawal seems more prudent.

Understanding that the flow of battle can sometimes be unpredictable.   The Imperial Swords believe that it is preparation that will aid them in overcoming the enemies of the Imperium and any other obstacles.  

This would include extensive training in almost all aspects of warfare, ranging from battlefield conditioning, operating under various terrain, technical competency in their weaponry and perfection in the role assigned to the Space Marine.
The Imperial Swords also ensured that all Space Marines are equipped to the best the Chapter can afford.   As well as tactical intelligence gathered from reconnaissance and any knowledge of the enemy where possible. 

It is also mandatory for all Imperial Swords to keep their equipment and gear in the absolute best condition possible.  All these are done to minimize any unforeseeable situations that may arise as well as lower the risk of malfunction during the heat of battle.  

However, other Space Marine Chapters have criticized the Imperial Sword's approach to warfare.  Some regard them as weak for having to work with ordinary humans such as Astra Militarum and Adeptus Sororitas. 

When the Imperial Swords was first created it was organized in the same exact fashion as dictated in the Codex Astartes. 

At full strength, prior to the near destruction of their Chapter

However following the near destruction of their Chapter and with only thirty surviving Space Marines.  The Imperial Swords could not maintain the same organizational structure as before and could not be considered functional Chapter anymore. 
For a significant period of time, it underwent drastic re-organization until only recent years where the Chapter began to regain some of its former strength. 

Current strength of the Chapter dated at 878.M41

Currently each Battle Company operates independently from one another and may appear in different war-zones or campaigns, lending their assistance to beleaguered Imperial Forces wherever they may be found.  These Battle Companies are sometimes accompanied by other Imperial military forces such as Adeptus Sororitas or the Astra Militarum.
Reserve Companies are typically stationed on Imperium owned assets as a defense force.  However there are times when they may also be called up to assist the Battle Companies.

The Circle of the Thirty
The inner circle of the Imperial Swords, these comprised of the most highly skilled, seasoned and trustworthy individuals amongst the Imperial Swords.  .   Many amongst the Thirty are officers within the Chapter itself.  Members within a circle often have a say in how the Chapter is being run.

The original circle of the thirty consisted only of the thirty Space Marines that survived the near destruction of the Chapter at the hands of the Tyranid Splinter fleet.

These thirty Space Marines dedicated themselves to restoring the Chapter to their full strength. First ten are known as the Guardians and served as personal bodyguard to the Rogue Trader as a debt of gratitude. 

The other ten known as Mentors stayed on Neo-Terra Secundus, assisted in the colonization effort and is also responsible for cultivating and training the future generations of Imperial Swords Space Marines.  The last ten known as Seekers, wandered the galaxy and sought means to restore their Chapter.  Often this means offering their services in exchange of knowledge, intelligence or equipment that could be useful in rebuilding their Chapter.  Or forging relationships with other Imperial organizations.  

For their actions and efforts in rebuilding the Chapter, the Thirty are highly regarded amongst the Imperial Swords itself.  Although membership is not exclusive to the original thirty survivors, there are always only thirty within the circle.  Only if and when a member within the inner circle has passed on will another take his place.   To be chosen and elevated to become one of the thirty is considered a great honor amongst the Imperial Swords.

All Imperial Swords were originally recruited from their homeworld of Varangia.   However, after the destruction of the Varangia.  Imperial Swords have taken to recruiting from various worlds ranging from civilized world to feral worlds for a several decades.   
The Imperial Swords still maintain such practices although the majority of their new recruits are now recruited from Neo-Terra Secundus itself.   Majority of the Neo-Terrans were rescued from their homeworld by the Imperial Swords and thus regard the Chapter very highly. 

Because of this, many families and households consider it a great honor to have their sons serve the Imperial Swords. 

The recovery of "Sword of Redemption" also yielded additional gene seed which are instrumental in creation of new generations of Space Marines.  

Despite these, the Imperial Swords are still understrength due to stringent requirements imposed by the Chapter itself.  New recruits can sometimes spent much longer time as a scout compared to most other chapters before being awarded their power armor.  
This could also be attributed to the Chapter having insufficient suits of Power Armor to equip their Space Marines.

The Imperial Swords use standard equipment typically available to any other Legions Astartes.  However following the near destruction of their Chapter, the Imperial Swords have lost much of their assets.   
In appreciation for their sacrifice and aid in preserving the STC found on Neo-Terra, Adeptus Mechanicus has provided the Imperial Swords with additional assets in the likes of weapons, armors and vehicles.   

The few pieces of equipment that survived the near destruction of the Chapter are regarded by the Imperial Swords as relics.  Items to be cherished due to the noble sacrifice of the Imperial Swords.

On rare occasions the Imperial Swords have also been bestowed with equipment.    Some came as tokens of appreciation from fellow Space Marine Chapters for aid rendered by the Imperial Swords.   Or  rewards for successful completion of a mission for Imperial agents such as governors or commanders.  Others are attained through salvage or won from enemy forces.

Notable Events / Campaigns 

The Battle at Charnel Stars (559.M41) 
The Imperial Sword's first assignment was to patrol the Koronus Expanse and protect Imperial interests and assets in the region.  The Chapter intercepted a pirate ship attacking a merchant cargo ship belonging to Rogue Trader Valorem Castellan.  
After the pirate ship retreated, Imperial Swords gave chase and followed them to the Charnel Stars, where they are set upon by a Pirate fleet.

Although outnumbered the Imperial Swords succeeded in destroying the pirate fleet with minimal loss to themselves.

Invasion of Kolomon (618.M41)
The Ork Warlord Ghrazz Thrakmaka had invaded the Imperium agri-world of Kolomon.  The Imperial Swords was dispatched to deal with the Orks after the local PDF could not contain the Orks advance.
The 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 7th companies was dispatched to aid the beleaguered PDF forces.  Although the Space Marines arrival help to stem the advance of the Orks, the Orks were far from being defeated.   After two years of fighting, more reinforcements arrive to finally root out the Orks.  Imperial Swords sent their 1st, 9th and 10th companies to aid.  Cadian 348th also arrived to rid the system once and for all of the Orks.   

Destruction of Varangia (621.M41)
With the majority of the Chapter deployed to combat the rising Ork Waaggh in Kolomon, only the 8th company was left behind on Varangia when the forces of Chaos attacked.   The local PDF and 8th company put up a strong defense but was severely outnumbered by the Chaos Warband, known as Angels of Desire.   Imperial Swords 4th company returning from patrol, attempted to reinforce the defenders but it was already too late.  Imperial position has all been overrun, the 8th company and PDF forces wiped out to the last man.  The 4th company did what they could and evacuate as much civilians as they possibly could before retreating into orbit, losing half their numbers in the process of doing so.

Weeks later, reinforcements arrived and found the planet utterly corrupted by essence of Chaos.  Daemons ran rampart on the surface of the planet as those unlucky civilians were all ritually sacrificed to Slaanesh.  Inquisitor Thelma Caruvien attached to the Imperial fleet ordered and Exterminatus and utterly cleanse the planet of all traces of Chaos.

The Sword of Light (622.M41)
With the destruction of Varangia, Imperial Swords refitted their Battle Barge the "Sword of Light" and began using it as a their mobile fortress monastery.  The Imperial Swords regrouped and became a fleet based Chapter.  Recruiting from various worlds, mostly from feudal societies or feral worlds.

Defence of Sior Thirty Five-Four (624.M41)
A recently colonized Imperial World, came under attack from Eldars of Biel-Tan Craftworld.  PDF forces sent distress signal and was received by Imperial Swords.   The Space Marines quickly arrived to aid the Imperial Defender.  After several weeks of battling the Eldar, the Space Marines finally pushed the Eldar off the planet.  However, they also lost the 4th company which was already at half strength.

The War of Vengeance (634.M41)
For the past ten years, the Imperial Swords rebuild their Chapter and sought out information regarding the Chaos Warband "Angels of Desire",  that destroyed their homeworld of Varangia.  Their meticulous planning was finally rewarded as the Imperial Swords finally tracked the Angels of Desire to their primary base of operations.  The battle was brutal and Imperial Swords utterly crush the Chaos Warband.  For the next ten years, Imperial Swords continue to seek out and destroy the remnants of the Angels of Desire and other groups that kept close ties to the Chaos Warband.

The Battle of Neo-Terra (652.M41)
Imperial Swords fleet discovered a distress signal deep in the void and sent scouting vessels to investigate.  After losing contact with the scout vessels and entire fleet went to their last known location.    They eventually brought into an unknown part of Space and encountered friendly humans known as Neo-Terrans, the Adeptus Mechanicus Explorators & Tyranid Splinter fleet.   The Imperial Swords rescued both Neo-Terrans and Adeptus Mechanicus but their valiant efforts cost them dearly.  Only thirty Space Marines survive the ordeal after being rescued by Rogue Trader Valorem Castellan.

Battle for Hawking Theta  (654.M41)
Rogue Trader Exploration fleet: 51st Castellans, came across a star system with habitable planet occupied by Eldar pirates.  Determined to expand the frontier of the Imperium. The Exploration fleet demanded the Eldar to capitulate.  The Eldar dismissed the Exploration fleet and began to attack the Imperium.  After several weeks of ship to ship fighting, the Eldar finally gave up after the Imperial Swords boarded their capital ship and slew the Eldar pirate lord.

Colonization of Neo-Terra Secundus (657.M41)
After securing the Hawking Theta Star System, the Expeditionary forces began to dub the habitable planet as Neo-Terra Secundus and began to colonize it with survivors from Neo-Terra.  The Imperial Swords then assisted in the colonization effort and also began to recruiting from the colonist.

The beginning of a new hope (675.M41)
The first batch of Space Marines Scouts are created from the young recruits. The process took longer than usual, but Imperial Swords are now set on the road to recovery.

Slowly but surely (695.M41)
The first batch of Space Marines Scouts finally completed all trials and training to become full fledged Space Marines, receiving their first suits of Power Armor.  This took much longer than is typical for Space Marines of other Chapters as the Imperial Sword trainers demand perfection from the trainees.   Rigorous recruitment is still in process as the Imperial Swords seek to return their Chapter to full strength.

The creature of 78-9C  (701.M41)
The Imperial Swords received a distress signal from a mining colony and arrived to aid since they were nearby.   There they discovered an horrific creature never encountered before.  The same creature was responsible for the disappearance for many of the miners.  When the Space Marines confronted the creature, they found all their weapons to be ineffective.  The Imperial Swords then did the only thing they could and evacuate the colony.  Once the colonist and all ground forces are safe, the Space Marines bombarded the mining colony where the creature was encountered with cyclonic torpedos.

The Battle for the Sword of Redemption (718.M41)
The Imperial Swords discovered a derelict Space hulk and boarded to discovered that it belong to their predecessor Chapter: The Sword Angels.  Shortly after they boarded the space hulk they were ambushed by terrifying warp creatures known as Enslavers.  After a brutal fight and the loss of several Space Marines, the Imperial Swords recovered a vast pool of geneseeds which would be instrumental in the restoring the Chapter. 

Stewardship of Neo-Terra Secundus (722.M41)
Fifty years have gone by since the planet was first colonized by the refugees from Neo-Terra.  In recognition of the Imperial Sword's efforts, they are granted stewardship of Neo-Terra Secundus and would govern the planet together with an Imperial Governor appointed by the High Lords of Terra.  The newly constructed city of Neo-Singapore was also declared the capital of the planet and shall serve as the administrative headquarters for the Hawking Theta star system.   
In addition, the Imperial Swords also has at least one company restored to full battle strength with many more recruits joining their ranks.

A new directive (731.M41)
Since the discovery of the Imperial Truth aboard the Space Hulk "Sword of Redemption".  The Imperial Swords have embrace the ideal of rationality and science but tempered with the understanding that the worship of the Emperor is too deeply rooted in Imperium to be completely removed without drastic consequences.   Realizing their knowledge of science is far too limited, they began to send an increasing number of Space Marines to Mars to be trained as Techmarines.  The Techmarines that return are then required to impart their knowledge to the rest of the Space Marines.

Battle beneath Neo-Terra Secundus (751.M41)
Imperial colonizers investigates strange structures within the equatorial jungles reveal a vast underground complex.  Tech Priest from Mars then began excavation of the ancient site but was ambushed by subterranean humanoids.   When the PDF assigned to protect the Tech Priests were wiped and all contact lost for several days.  Imperial Swords was called into perform a search and rescue operation.  The Imperial Swords dispatched the 2nd company which was also ambushed by the subterranean creatures.   But the eventual arrival of the Imperial Swords reinforcements turned the tide of the battle.  The Tech Priests were eventually rescued.   Subsequent excavations of the place revealed the true nature of the vast underground complex as well as several STCs.

Colonization of Hawking Theta System (807.M41)
It took the Imperium several decades to fully explore the system and to colonize it.  During this time the Imperial Swords were instrumental in the protecting and defense of the Exploration fleet.   Many losses were averted largely in part of their proactive measures.  After repelling pirates and xeno raiders, the Space Marines would track them to their hideouts and completely annihilate them before they could regroup to harass Exploration and Merchant vessels.

Escape from Caldorus Prime (853.M41)
Imperial Swords Strike Cruiser while on patrol Endomus Gulf intercepted a distress call from Caldorus Prime.  The Space Marines made haste but instability of the immaterium interfered with the warp travel.  By the time the Space Marines arrived, the planet has been overrun by Orks.   Lured by carnage and bloodletting, Khornate Space Marines and a host of daemons arrive shortly.
The Imperial Swords deem this to be a lost cause and knew only an Exterminatus can prevent the planet from falling into Ork or Chaos hands.   However a small band of defenders still hold out on the Forge Fortress of Manicav.   Unwilling to sacrifice the remaining loyalist, Imperial Swords from the 2nd Company broke through the Ork blockade and made planetfall.

On the ground, they fought their way to the defenders and found battlefield strewn of dead Orks and their foul xeno machines as well as scores of wrecked Imperial Knights.   The Space Marines learnt that Caldorus Prime was actually a Knight World cut off from the Greater Imperium.   House Carravone has claimed this planet many eons ago and were prepared to make their last stand in their remaining Forge Fortress.  Chaplain Dardalion argued that it would be a terrible waste of resources for House Carravone and the remaining defenders to perish in an unwinnable war and persuaded them to evacuate from the planet.   After much consideration the Duke Carravone finally relented on the condition that the Imperial Swords must buy them sufficient time to recover the STCs needed for the construction of the Imperial Knights and a new home to resettle in.
The Chaplain agreed.  Space Marines along with the remaining Imperial Knights held off the Orks for as long as they could.   But it was not long before Forge Fortress Manicav was completely overrun and Imperial defenders were forced to abandon its position and evacuate the planet.  

A small handful Imperial Knights made it off the planet but most importantly the database containing the STC for the construction of the Imperial Knights.   Although a third of the 2nd company was lost to this endeavor.   Chaplain must now find House Carravone a new home....

The Battle of Agatha V (878.M41)
The Imperial Swords Space Marines of the 3rd Company were called in to repel Eldar forces battling a beleaguered Neo-Terran regiment deployed on Agtha V.  Together with the newly formed Astra Militarum regiment they finally pushed the Eldar forces out of Agatha V and the Alchera System after a year of intense fighting.

However the Eldar Farseer has escaped and warned of darker things that threaten the Imperium.

Locating the Generation Ships (953.M41)
Two hundred years ago, Imperial forces discovered that Neo-Terra Secundus was only habitable due to a Generational Ship that arrived on the planet during the Dark Age of Technology.  Since then, they discovered the supposed coordinates of several other Generational Ship deep within the superstructure deep beneath the planet.
After studying the coordinates with the star charts, the Tech Priest finally made sense of it and were able to learn the last known locations of the other generational ships.  Exhilarated by the prospects of discovering new knowledge, they requested aid from their brethren in Mars as well as the support from the various Imperial factions.   As always the Imperial Swords stood by their allies and answered the Adeptus Mechanicus call.

Horrors of Agatha V (975.M41)
The mining colony on Agatha V soon unearthed a strange artifact that was a cause of great concern.   Contact with the colony was soon lost and reinforcements from Astra Militarum was dispatched but returned with no news.  Eventually the Adepta Sororitas was called in to assist and reported that the Agatha V was lost to unspeakable horrors that transform the colonizers and their protectors into murderous abominations.   
The Adeptus Sororitas was able to contain the situation but unable to reclaim the colony.  Agatha V was teeming with tens of thousands of those infected abominations but was deemed too valuable to be a target of exterminatus. Imperial Swords Space Marines was once again called into action.   Imperial Swords 5th Company spearheaded the assault and was supported by Adeptus Sororitas and Astra Militarum.   

There the Adeptus Astartes fought valiantly pushing off wave after wave of horrific monsters.  As they venture deeper, they also had to contend with their allies turning on them after being driven mad by coming into close proximity with a xeno artifact.  Ultimately the Imperial Swords prevailed and purged all traces of the xeno artifact along with the horrors that it created.

Tenebrae VII Conspiracy (999.M41)
 Imperial Swords aboard the Strike Cruiser Sword of Goujian was conducting a routine pirate sweep when it encountered an unidentified vessel.  Pursuing it the Imperial Swords chance upon a necron vessel in high orbit above Tenebrae VII.   A planet rich with mineral resources.  Soon after the Imperial Swords together with Inqusition and Deathwatch learnt of the local planetary governor has been colluding with Necrons.  Space Marines from the Mantis Warriors Chapter were also involved although it is unknown where their loyalty lies.  As the campaign wore on, the agenda of each faction involved began to surfaced.  Learning that the planet itself could be of xenos origin, Lexicanium Librarian Kallen requested Inquisitor Beil to begin exterminatus on Tenebrae VII.   When the Inquisitor refused to do so, the Imperial Swords suspected the Inquisitor of treachery and the integrity of the Deathwatch seconded to him to be compromised.    Without the support of the rest of the Chapter and the larger Imperium, the Imperial Swords retreated from the Tenebrae system long before the Inquisition could turn their guns on them.

Notable Imperial Swords

Chief Librarian Davos Gremell | The Sword of Wisdom
One of the thirty, Davos is a survivor of the battle against the Tyranid Splinter fleet.  A codicier Librarian at the time, he helped defend the Neo-Terrans from the Tyranids.  When the Imperial Swords took too much casualties, they began to evacuate from the front line.  Davos was aboard the Storm Raven where he witness Druce Garadon being overwhelmed by the Tyranids.  He ordered the pilots to provide covering fire while a landspeeder storm descended to rescue Druce Garadon from the Tyranid swarm. 

Lord Warrior Druce Garadon | Supreme Sword
A member within the circle of the thirty and a Varangian.  Druce was already the sergeant for Vanguard Assault Marine during the battle with the Tyranid splinter fleet.  He personally led the counterattack on the Tyranids which destroyed countless Tyranid swarms before coming face to face with the Hive Tyrant which massacred his squad except for him.  With incredible feat, he alone manage to slay the Hive Tyrant before being overwhelmed by the Tyranid swarm.  He was wounded gravely but managed to survive due to his battle brother's timely assistance. 

Chaplain Dardalion | Sword of Rite
A member within the circle of thirty, Chaplain Dardalion was recruited from Terra.  After losing much territory to the Tyranid splinter fleet.  Dardalion was responsible for leading the defense of the space port while the remaining Imperial Swords evacuated the Neo-Terran civilians.  When the Tyranids charged towards one of the Arvus Lighters, Dardalion led a Squad of Assault Marines to intercept the hated xenos, putting themselves in the path of the Tyranids.    Dardalion came face to face with a Carnifex and the two square off.   Dardalion slew the carnifex in the end but was left with a horrific injury as the claws of the xenos scythe into his helmet.  He survived thanks to the efforts of the Chapter Apocthecary and eventually had half his face replaced with cybernetic enhancements.

Scout Master Daken Ryaz | Sword of Trials
Another member within the circle of the thirty, he is unlike the rest of his brother marines.  Recruited from a feral world after Varangia was destroyed, he became one of the best Scouts the Imperial Swords had to offer.  During the battle with the Tyranid hive fleet, he personally lead the scouts to set traps all over the city to delay the Tyranid advance which bought the civilians much needed time to evacuate.    At the frontlines, he landed his landspeeder storm to rescue the injured Druce Garadon despite the risks.   He is now in charge of training all neophytes and scouts of the Imperial Swords Chapter.

Chapter Fleet

The Sword of Light (Destroyed)
Originally just a battlebarge, the Sword of Light was re-fitted and re-purposed into the Chapter's mobile fortress monastery after the planet Varangia was declared lost to the Imperium.  However twenty eight standard Terra years later, the mobile fortress monastery was also destroyed when the Imperial Swords clashed with a Tyranid splinter fleet.

The Sword of Vindication
The strike cruiser "Sword of Vindication" is one of the vessels that survived the encounter with the Tyranid splinter fleet.  It was previously used the 2nd company of Imperial Swords and is now assigned to the 5th Company after they have rebuilt their strength.

Another vessel that survived the encounter with the Tyranid splinter fleet.  It was badly damaged and took the Imperial Swords Techmarines with the aid from the Tech Priest of Mars to repair it.  It is now restored to full functionality and used as a patrol craft by the Chapter.

The Sword of Goujian
A strike cruiser constructed for the Imperial Swords by the Adeptus Mechanicus was delivered to the Chapter and now serves as the vessel that houses the Imperial Swords 2nd Company.  Upon orders by Master of the Fleet Zheng He, the Adeptus Mechanicus made several modifications to the engine allowing to perform short burst of speed allowing it to outrun her enemies when faced with overwhelming odds.


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