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Monday, July 20, 2015

Eternal War: Purge The Alien


Team Chaos Wolf of the Damned
1. Wolflord Melhammer (Space Wolves)
2. Chaos Lord CF (Chaos Space Marines)
3. Commander Luminator (Legon of the Damned)

Team Adeptus Astartes
1. Commander D (Red Scorpions Space Marines)
2. Commander CS (Ultramarines Space Marines)
3. Me (Imperial Swords Space Marines)

Rumors of a legendary Space Wolf relic lost during the Horus Heresy has surfaced.  Wolflord Melhammer, eager to seek glory for the chapter set off on a quest to reclaim the sacred artifact.  The search brought the Wolflord and his retinue far and wide across the galaxy.  Months have passed since they first departed from Fenris.  Finally, they came across Inquisitor Cadmus who claims to have known the exact location of the relic.  But first they must depart to planet known as Corinus XVI.

Corinus XVI, is a small planet colonized by the Imperium in the past.  It recently came under attack by the Orks which was later repelled by Imperial Forces.  However the city surrounding the Space port was left in ruins in the wake of the Ork invasion.    A small contingent of three Space Marine Chapters were left behind as security detail while the Imperium attempt to repair and rebuild the city.

Upon arrival, the Space Wolves were informed by the Inquisitor that each of the Space Marine Commanders tasked with the defense of the city were in possession of a dataslate.  When all three pieces are obtain, it will reveal the exact location of the ancient relic.  Inquisitor Cadmus also claimed that the loyalty of the Space Marines were compromised as they were corrupted by Chaos.  Stating that is only a matter of time these three Space Marine forces turn against the Imperium and thus urged the Space Wolves to purge them in the name of the holy Emperor.

At first the Space Wolves balked at the idea but slowly the words spoken by the Inquisitor seems to make more and more sense.  Eventually the Space Wolves agreed and prepared to wage war against their cousins from other Space Marine Chapter.

Inquisitor Cadmus then sent a last minute warning to the three loyalist Chapter and warned of an impending attack.  The Space Marines quickly evacuated the Imperial workers rebuilding the city and prepared for war.

Space Wolves deployed to the left corner with Thunderwolf Calvary all hidden within the ruins.
The Chaos Space Marines take center, with Landraider leading the front, supported by Chaos Cultist and Chaos Defiler.  On the right flank, a lone Vindicare Assassin awaits atop of the building, assign to hunt heretics by the orders of the Inquisition.

On the opposite side, the Red Scorpions are deployed on the left flank.  With one tactical Squad position atop the Imperial Bastion overlooking the ruined city.  The rest of tacticals on ground or within Rhino APCs.  The Imperial Swords occupy the center, tanks deployed behind the buildings.  While the tactical squad perched atop a newly constructed residential hab block.  On the right flank, Ultramarines deployed with a mass of powered armored troops supported by a Vindicator tank.

Another Vindicare Assassin attached to the Imperial Swords Space Marines takes up position on the elevated landing pad in the middle of the battlefield. 

Thunderwolf Calvary, bold but also cunning.  Hiding in ruins

Barely just after evacuating the construction crew from the scene of battle, the Loyalist Chapters hurried to get into battle positions while the invading forces advance.

Imperial Sword Dreadnought watches as the forces of Chaos advance

On the left flank, the Thunderwolf Calvary surged forward from their hiding place towards the Red Scorpions.  The Red Scorpions open fire in an attempt to halt the Space Wolves advance.  Two unfortunate Space Wolves fell from their Thunderwolves as a fusillade of Lascannon beams, plasma balls and boltgun shells filled the battlefield.

On the right flank, the Vindicare Assassin fired a Turbo Penetrator round that went inside the Vindicator tank's exhaust vent.  The round somehow ricochet into the loading mechanism and caused a minor explosion that rocked the tank.  The crew within it were stunned by the explosion and spent the time struggling to get back to their feet.  The remaining Ultramarines advanced towards the Vindicare Assassin using the Rhino APC as a cover while another tactical squad move in from the extreme right flank behind a residential hab block.

Elsewhere, the Landraider advance forward, its Lascannon sponson swiveled into position and fired at the advancing Imperial Swords Dreadnought but missing it slightly.  Behind the Landraider, the Defiler unloads all of its weapons at the Imperial Swords Dreadnought.  The shots scattered wildly and instead landed on the Imperial Swords Space Marine on the building behind the Dreadnought, killing two marines in the process.
The Imperial Swords Tactical Marines tried to return favor but the Plasma Cannon seized up.  The Marine holding the heavy weapon, instinctively released the coolant fluid to prevent the weapon he is holding from exploding on himself.   The plasma cannon hissed as the superheated steam vented from the weapon exhausts.

Loyalist Marines maintain their position.

The Imperial Swords Predator tank squadron swerved into action, blasting their Lascannons into the Landraider with no effect.  The Lascannon beams missed by several inches and those that connected, hit only the non critical sections of the Chaos vehicle.  On top of the landing pad, the other Vindicare Assassin aimed for heavy bolter weapon mount hoping to cause a critical reaction.  Unfortunately, the shot missed and bounced off the side armor harmlessly.

No light shall penetrate this darkness.

As the battle rages on.  Space Marines engulfed in flames suddenly appeared in front and behind the Ultramarines.   Why or how they appeared is a mystery but their intent is clear as they unloaded their weapons into the Ultramarines.  On the roof, the LotD marines leveled their guns at the Vindicator tank.  Superheated rays lanced towards the side armor and blew a huge hold, rocking the vehicle again.  Another krak grenade tossed into the opening finally put the Vindicator tank out of commission, leaving it a smoking wreck.

The LotD marines that appeared infront of the Ultramarines fired their melta weapons at the Rhino advancing toward their position and turn the stormbolter mounted on the Rhino into metal slag.  The molten metal dripped into Rhino interior and causing further damage to the electronic wiring of the tank.

Yet the Ultramarines were not so easily dissuaded.  The Ultramarine Rhino engines revved up and pushed towards the LotD Marines hoping to crush them underneath its tracks.  The spectral figures swiftly got out of the way.  One of the spectral looking marine wielding a melta gun stood his ground and blasted the tank with another lance of superheated ray, stunning the Ultramarine Rhino.  Within moments the LotD Marines find themselves surrounded by Ultramarines.  It was as if they struck the hornets nest. The Ultarmarines descended upon the LotD with righteous fury.  Boltguns & boltpistols ripped into the LotD.  As if that was not enough, the Ultramarines Assault marines barreled their way into the LotD, slashing their chainswords left and right while boltpistols blasted off at the spectral figures before their quarry vanished into the ether.

Ultramarines avenge the loss of their Vindicator. 

Back the center, Lascannons beams from Imperial Swords gunline continue to blast at the Chaos Landraider with no effect as the Chaos vehicle continues moving into the Loyalists' position.   The Tacticals on the top of the building, spun around where the second squad of LotD Marines are and open fire.  Boltgun rounds bounced off harmlessly from the LotDs' power armor while the plasma denoted in a superheated ball of energy too far from the target.

Just then a Red Scorpion Stormraven gunship descended from the skies to reinforce the Imperial Swords position.  The pilot hit the brakes and adjusted the aircraft to graciously descend onto the battlefield, disgorging the contents it was carrying.  Red Scorpion Dreadnought & Terminator Squad led by Librarian Desmondus disembarked from the transport and prepared to do battle with the Traitor Marines.

On the landing pad, the Vindicare on the loyalist side continued to aim at the moving Landraider.  This time the shot connected and pierced through the Heavy Bolter weapon mount causing the heavy bolt shells stored within to explode.  The bullet continue until it struck the thick armor plate and ricochet into the promethium fuel tanks causing it to detonate.  The chain reaction tore the Landraider from inside out.   One unlucky Traitor Marine was flung out with such force that he fell onto a metal spike which punched through his helmet killing him instantly.

The remaining Traitor Marines managed to disembark from the Landraider in time only to face the coming onslaught of the Red Scorpion Space Marines.  Kharn the Betrayer, eager for blood leap forward and swung Gorechild wildy, slashing all around him.  By the time he was done, two Red Scorpion Terminators and Traitor Marines were left in a bloody mess.  The Red Scorpions struck back and slaying the remaining Traitor Marines.

Back at the left flank, the Space Wolves charged into the Red Scorpion line, despite the Red Scorpion's attempts to halt their advance.  The Space Wolves known for their melee prowess swiftly dispatched the Red Scorpion Tactical Squad and the Rhino on the ground level.  The remaining Tactical Marines on top of the tower fired their boltgun rounds at the Space Wolves but did little damage to them.  Knowing that they were no match for the Space Wolves in melee combat, the Rhino transporting the 2nd Red Scorpions Tactical Squad quickly sped away, hoping to put some distance between themselves and the Space Wolves.

The grey tide of fur and fangs cometh

At the right flank the Ultramarines trudge onwards, boltguns firing away at the LotD Marines.  The sheer amount of fire power finally overwhelmed the spectral figures and they finally vanished into the ether.  With the immediate threat eliminated, they turn their attention towards the lone Vindicare Assassin who destroyed their Vindicator tank.

The Assassin scanned the battlefield looking for his next target and loaded his Existus Rifle with another Turbo Penetrator round but before he could take his next shot.  He was surprised by Imperial Swords Scout Squad sneaking up from behind him.  To his right on the ground level, an Imperial Swords Dreadnought lumbered towards him.  In unison, the Ultramarines & Imperial Swords Space Marines unleash a torrent of boltgun shells & assault cannon shells into the Assassin perched on the building.  Despite being entrenched in a good position, the Assassin could not withstand the combined fire power of the Adeptus Astartes, all coming from different directions.

The mysterious Spectral Marines coming in from the rear

Back at the center, the Imperial Swords feeling safe in their deployment zone was suddenly caught by surprised.  Spectral power armored figures appeared out of nowhere.  Their weapons spitting death and destruction.  One squad of LOTD blasted at the Imperial Swords Razorback in the rear armor, causing it to explode in a ball of flame.  The surviving passengers crawling out from the burning wreck to face their assailants.

The Red Scorpion Stormraven continue to maintain holding pattern, hovering above the Imperial Swords gunline.  Beams of Lasers & skyhammer missles streaked towards the Chaos Defiler, damaging the Chaos Vehicle but not enough to destroy it.   Behind the Defiler, a cultist runs towards the infernal war machine and sacrificed himself in the name of Chaos.  Broken wires, gears and metal plating began to melt into a silvery lump before reforming as if it has never been damaged before.

The Stormraven pilot prepares to take another shot at the Defiler, unaware of the spectral figures that appeared behind his aircraft.  The LoTD Marines unleash their weapons at the Stormraven hovering above them.  One of LotD Marine flung a krak grenade that flew into the aircraft's engine exhaust, the grenade exploded causing the Stormraven to spin out of control.

The Stormraven pilot wrestled with controls, struggling to stabilize the aircraft and gain some altitude.  But before he could succeed, a battle cannon shell smashed into the sides of the Stormraven ripping it apart in ball of fire.

On the left flank, the Space Wolves on their trusty steeds leap onto the tower.   The Red Scorpion Space Marines atop the tower fired at the Space Wolves but the boltgun rounds bounced off the power armor of the Wolflord.  With a flurry of blows, Wolflord Melhammer's power sword cut through the Red Scorpion Marines like butter, while the rest of his cohort chase after the Red Scorpion Rhino speeding away.

Above the landing pad, Space Wolves Stormwolf Assault craft swooped down from the skies, raining death from above.  Lasers, superheated rays & cold waves blasting at the the Imperial Sword Predator tank.   Electronics fizzled out and sparks flew all over the interior of the tank.  The tank crew are momentarily stunned while they struggle to regain control the vehicle.

Underneath the Stormwolf Assault craft, the Vindicare Assassin turns his attention towards the spectral figures that appeared in the Imperial Swords gunline.   Swiftly putting the LotD Marine carrying the Multimelta out of comission.

But this was not enough to save the Imperial Swords.  The LotD Marines seized the opportunity and both squads of marines pour prodigious amount firepower into the Imperial Swords tactical Squad, taking out one other marine and the Chaplain in the process.

The remaining Imperial Sword tactical marines, swore to avenge the loss of their commanding officer, open up on the LotD marines.  Forcing only one spectral figure to vanish into the ether.  The tactical marine holding the plasma cannon watched in disbelief as the LotD marines shrug off the superheated ball of plasma and cursed under his helmet.  "By the Emperor, what kind of warp@#$% is this?!"

Uhh.. Imperial Command?  We just lost our air support.

At the right flank, the Ultramarines consolidate their position and turn to assist their brethren Chapter.  But before they could do so, they were intercepted by the Chaos Heldrake.  The unholy war machine, swooped in from the skies passing the Imperial Sword Scouts staring at the flyer with disbelief.  The Heldrake's metal jaws lowered and a gout of warp fire engulfed the Ultramarine Assault Marines.  The burning fluid burnt through the power armor of the Assault Marines as the Marines screamed in agonizing pain.  The two remaining Assault Marines quickly entered their transport, hoping it would provide some form of protection.

The remaining Ultramarines from other squads quickly dispersed and headed back to their deployment zone to assist the Imperial Swords.  The Scouts on top of the building tried to help by firing their bolt pistol at the flying Daemon Engine but it was no use as the Heldrake was simply too fast and too high up.

In the middle of the Battlefield, Kharn the Betrayer has felled another Red Scorpion Terminator.  His Gorechild dripping with blood.  He swung around and parried Librarian Desmondus's Force Axe.  While the two were locked in battle.  The remaining Terminators struck at Kharn with their powerfist, bursting Kharn like a watermelon, his armor and flesh pulverized into a bloody pulp.

The Red Scorpion Librarian and his retinue continued forward, stormbolters spitting out death at the Chaos Cultist ahead of them.  Besides them, the Red Scorpion Dreadnought fired his Multimelta at the Defiler, the superheated ray melted through the armor and damaged the hydraulic systems momentarily stunning the Defiler.  A short distance away, the Imperial Swords Dreadnought tried to help by firing its Assault cannon but its shots bounce off the armor plating of the Defiler.

The Chaos Cultist surge forward, firing their weapons inaccurately at the advancing Red Scorpions.  Those few bullets and small lasblasts that hit, bounced off the Terminator armor harmlessly.

The loyalist closing in the Chaos position

Behind them the Stormwolf Assault Craft continued towards the Ultramarine position.  It's multimelta, helfrost cannon and lascannon blasted at the Ultramarine Assault Squad on top of the building.  Realizing that their armor could not withstand such powerful weapons, the Assault Squad hunkered down hoping the parapets of the building would offer additional protection.   Indeed all the Marines survived except for one who was too slow and was ripped apart by the Heavy Weapon fire.

Elsewhere, Wolflord Melhammer leap off the tower, rejoining his retinue of Wolfguards but he was too far from the action.   Some distance ahead of him.  His fellow Space Wolves have given up chasing the Red Scorpion Rhino.   Instead they found a juicier target.  The Thunderwolf Calvary barreled into the Imperial Swords gunline.  Smashing their Thunderhammers into two Imperial Swords Predator tanks.  The thunderous blow smashed one tank into a smoking wreck while the other tank was badly damaged.  Its occupants, struggling to put out the fires from within.

Nearby on the landing Pad, another Squad of LotD Marines appeared out of nowhere, ambushing the only Vindicare Assassin left on the battlefield.  The Assassin suffered light injures but knew that his position was compromised, leap off the landing pad and onto the ground beneath.  Landing nimbly on his feet, he pulled out his Exitus Pistol from the holster and fired at the Space Wolves smashing at the tanks.  The hellfire round struck the tail of the wolf steed but did little than to cause the beast to whimper in pain.

At the right flank, the Ultramarines moved towards the Imperial Swords position which has already been compromised.  In a last ditch attempt, the two loyalist Chapters' tactical marines poured as much fire power into the LotD Marines inflicting minor casualties.

The Heldrake spun around and flew towards the Red Scorpion Terminators, unleashing its baleflamer them.  Warpfire ignited in an instant but did little as the Terminator armor was too sturdy.  Behind the Heldrake, two Ultramarines and an Imperial Swords Dreadnought blasted at from the ground.  One Assault Cannon round clipped the Daemon Engine's wings damaging it slightly.

Nearby, the Red Scorpion Tacticals disembark from their transport and opened up on the Chaos Cultist.  The boltgun rounds tore through the ranks of Cultist turning them into a red mist of blood as the bolter rounds exploded within the bodies of their victim.   One lone Cultist Leader survived the deadly barrage but was brutally stomped into a puddle of blood by the Red Scorpion Terminators charging into him.

Red Scorpion Dreadnought closed in on the Defiler, firing all its weapons at it before smashing into with its powerfist.  Servos whirred as the Dreadnought dismantled the Defiler's mechanical limbs one by one.

As suddenly as they appeared, the LotD Marines suddenly vanished.  The last remaining Chaos Daemon Engine, flew off leaving only the Space Wolves to carry the fight.   The Space Wolves still strong in numbers suddenly halted in their assault.   The battle has ended with casualties on both side.

It was later revealed that it is Inquisitor Cadmus that was compromised.  A radical Inquisitor who frequently used Daemonhosts as his servants was eventually corrupted by powers of Chaos which he sought to control.   It was he who is ultimately responsible for trying to lead Space Wolves astray.    The Inquisition only discovered his treachery recently and dispatched agents to hunt him down.

Through the usage of forbidden sorcery the rogue Inquisitor was able to manipulate the Space Wolves to do his bidding.   However this required him to be within proximity of his victims for the spell to work.  When the Grey Knights hot on his heels arrive to capture him, Inquisitor Cadmus quickly fled the planet and evaded capture.  With him no longer in proximity of the Space Wolves, the spell broke and the Space Wolves were finally freed from the geas.

The presence of the Legion of the Damn on the battlefield could not be explain and remains a mystery.  Although some have claimed that these Spectral Space Marines are manifestation of the warp.