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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

2015 Painting Challenge

In the attempt to make ourselves paint our models, the gaming group I am in came up with the idea of a painting challenge.   The rules are very simple.

  • Models must be completely painted - base included
  • There shall be no less than 3 colors on the models.  Black, White & Metallics do not count towards the colors.
  • It is a time limited challenge, that is to say.  You are given a finite amount of time to complete a set of models defined by the points limits of the challenge.  
  • At the end of the challenge, we will all treat ourselves to a nice meal at a decent restaurant 
  • Those who are unable to complete the paint challenge on time will be paying for dinner

This is the first painting challenge I took part with the group.  I have learn that they have done more in the past. For my first painting challenge, we are to paint up 500 points worth of models for Zone Mortalis which we shall be using for the Badab War Campaign game.  

After several months of painting almost everyday and rushing at the last minute, we are now finally done..  We now have painted models to game with which will make our 40k games even more immersive.  (Maybe that terrain board will get painted eventually.... )

Since this is for Badab War, only Space Marines are featured to stay true to the fluff.   Except for me.. who came in with my own custom DIY Space Marine Chapter.
Here are photos of the months (or last minute rush job) of the gang.

Farseer G's Exorcist Space Marines
Farseer  G did this fairly quickly with drybrush technique.  He also painted the HUD for the space marine bikes which is a nice touch.  Unfortunately GW, has not yet came up with Exorcist transfer sheets and freehand isn't exactly for everyone.  One can probably make your own Exorcist decals but it will be costly for reasons...

Chaos Lord SJ's Astral Claw Space Marines

Chaos Lord SJ had already completed most of the models in the middle of the challenge.  The last few weeks was spent on putting additional details onto the models.  A lot of these details were painstakingly painted on freehand.  Chaos Lord SJ is also very fond of Forgeworld which provides nice resin models with cool unique rules.  Above is a Contemptor variant.

Squad Leader WH's Raptor Space Marine
Squad Leader WH only got his models in the last few weeks.  Initially was not very sold on Space Marines.  His army is exact replica of Chaos Lord SJ's as he has been playing SJ's models for the past few months when we play Zone Mortalis.  He too painstakingly painted the chapter icon and squad symbols onto the models via freehand.

Commander WK's Lamenter Space Marines

The only other secessionist aside from the SJ's Astral Claws. WK also rushed this in late in the painting challenge due to family commitments.  Nonetheless, his army looks brilliant.  The yellow is solid and bright.  The checkers and symbols were all painted by freehand.  This makes him, SJ and WH the trinity of freehand amongst us.

Commander Ryanbo's Star Phantoms
Commander Ryanbo started working on his army quite early in the painting challenge.  He rapidly amassed close to 2000 points of Space Marines... not just 500 points of them..  It took him a while to decide what he will submit for the challenge and finally settled with these Devastator Marines.  The models were washed with Sepia wash and then drybrushed.   Like yellow, white is not an easy color to work with.  The last few days was spent on applying decals which he printed on his own. 

My Imperial Swords Space Marines

I started very early on in December.  The scouts were finished first and then I was stuck with the remaining elements of the painting challenge.  I almost ran out of time and even took a day off from work just to finish them up.  Through this exercise, I realize I enjoy painting rank and file Space Marines more than characters.  Above picture does not display 500 points of models because, silly me forgot to bring lower half of my dreadnought.  Which is now pictured below.

Imperial Swords Dreadnought

Not featured above are Harlequin J and Commander L.  Both took part of the challenge, L did not manage to complete any models and ended up contributing to our dinner.  J was exempted due to being out of the country at the time.

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