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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Overview of the Rookie Rumble 2016.

Last Saturday, I took part in the 2nd  Rookie Rumble - WH40K 2016 Tournament hosted by the FLGS known as GR.  This was my third overall tournament I took part in and the second singles tournament I took part in.  A year has gone by and I have added more experiences under my belt.

Prior to the tournament, I had set-up at least 5 practice sessions with Luminator and Farseer G.  The results did pay off.  I made changes to my list and got rid of dead weights in the army.  Although my list is still a typical CAD army and is still lower the power level of most "Decurion" style formation armies.  

This year, Cmdr Ryanbo was not allowed to participate having becoming one of the top 8 in last year's final tournament.  Think of it as a ladder or league where only the top can compete.

The Tournament itself.
Format is exactly the same as last year's rookie rumble.  Same Maelstrom missions, same number of objective markers, same table size, same points and breaks were given between the games.
The only difference is that this time we actually get to place the objective markers.  
 First round – Eldar Harlequins (Shadowseer JY)
JY as I am told is a relatively experienced player and very nice person to game with.  I was not familiar with his army and so adopted the conservative approach and deployed my units within cover.  Throughout the game he extremely patient and explained to me what each unit could do and sometime repeating it when I forgot.   Since both of us were late, we didn't have the opportunity of playing the game fully and had to end at around turn 5.  At the end of it, I manage to secure a minor victory over him.  I attribute some of these to good dice rolls on my part and bad dice rolls on his part.  Overall, I was fortunate as Harlequins was not ranked high on the power tier compared to other factions.   

Second round – Mantis Warriors Space Marines (Cmdr WK)
WK was part of our gaming group and took part in the Badab War Campaign early last year.  This is his first tournament and he brought with him a triple dreadnought list.  Captain on bike with command squad accompanied by Scouts.   I have experienced Drop Pod Alpha Strike list quite often and knew what to expect.  My deployment was to essentially to deny him alpha strike capability and minimize my own casualties.   This game was hard fought, we both inflicted heavy casualties on each other and the game could have swung either way.   Our cards were equally bad and neither of us got to capitalize on it.    In a way, the dice rolls favored neither of us.  Both of us got bad dice rolls but at end of the turn 5.  Variable game length decided that game will end when I had slight lead, resulting in a minor victory for me.

Third round – Tau Empire (Cmdr YA)
YA is a long-time veteran but has mostly been painting and not playing.  Unlike the previous two list, he is using a hunter contingent cadre with formation special rules.   This means his list is significantly higher on the power tier even though he isn't using the storm surge.  He also managed to seized the initiative, allowing him to pick off my units that had the ability to punch back.  The game was pretty one sided.  I could not get over there to lay the hurt and would lose many units.  Needless to say, I lost this game pretty badly.
Since I am in no position to actually score or win.  My plan was to not get tabled by the end of the game and entice him to close ranks so that he will be within reach of my weapons.  The plan kind of worked, I also managed to tarpit his Riptide for 4 Turns.  That is 4 turns of the Riptide not being able to bring its devastating weapons to bear on my units.
This year, Farseer G cliched the top spot.  After many tournaments and being matched up with some of the strongest list and players in the competitive scene.  Farseer G finally clawed his way to the top.   The only true competition this tournament was Overseer A.   He is by far the player with the most playing experience playing competitive games and had one of the strongest list.

This year however, we see Archon RC take the top spot for best painted.  Having previously won Australia's Golden Daemon, it is no surprise.   It looks like this trend is going to stay since RC no longer works for the other FLGS known as Titan Games, which at the time of writing this article has already closed down. 

I enjoyed myself immensely, even though for my 3rd match I could not do anything against the Tau.  For the first time, I actually managed to score 2/3 score in a tournament.  I was fortunate to be paired up against mid tier list and friendly players.   My preparation prior to the tournament also paid off as I learn to focus more on the mission rather than fighting my opponent head on.  Just because you are within the power to do something, does not mean you should.  Depending on circumstances, sometimes it is better to divert your resources elsewhere where it will do more good.

The TO has also mentioned that this will be the last Rookie Rumble that they are organizing.  In the future, minimal points format is at least 1500.  I was sadden to hear this of course, as I am just starting to grasp the 1000 point bracket.   Looks like I will have my work cut out for me.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Apocalypse: Damocles Gulf Crusade II

The continuation of previous apocalypse campaign game.   Unfortunately, many participants could not make it in time and only a handful turn up for the game itself.  The side event became the "main event" whereby Tau and Imperium teamed up against the forces of Chaos who were also present in the previous side event.

APOCALYPSE (3 vs 1) - 5000 points per side.

Team Chaos
1. Lord Renzus (Chaos Space Marines/Khorne Daemonkin)

Team Space Knights & Space Elves
1. Cmdr R (Tau Empire)
2. Cmdr A (Tau Empire)
3. Me (Imperial Swords Space Marines)

Following the previous battle, Imperium suffered heavy casualties while defending Agrellan Prime from Tau and forces of Chaos.   The White Scars & Black Templars has retreated into the safety of the most fortified city that remains in Imperial control.  The Blood Angels & Dark Angel forces were so depleted that both chapters have withdrawn from the conflict.

The Tau too has suffered casualties and have withdrawn to the areas that they have captured from the Imperium while awaiting further directions from the Greater Good.   Meanwhile the forces of Chaos lead by Warmaster Renzus now ravages Agrellan unopposed.

On the Imperium side, only the Imperial Swords remained largely intact as it was ignored by the forces of Chaos during the previous battle.    Desperate to halt the advance of Chaos, the Imperial Swords did the unthinkable and sought aid from the Tau Empire.

The Tau Empire seeing the threat posed by the forces of Chaos agreed to the alliance.  After-all if the battle went their way, they could deal with the Imperium with greater ease knowing reinforcements are already en-route.

Tau gunline arrayed against the enemy
The Tau Empire & Imperial alliance are deployed across the battle field as a layered gunlines. The goal is to weaken the forces of Chaos as they take time to close in and advance.

Chaos Bike Squad advancing behind the cover of the Chaos Warmachine
However, the forces of Chaos came prepared.  Not under estimating the fire power of the Tau forces.  Chaos forces brought along a special shield generator that projected such a powerful force field that prevented no shooting attacks to penetrate it.  Not even orbital barrage were a match for the forcefield.

A small token force is dispatched to deal with the successor chapter

With the Forcefield in effect, the forces of Chaos seize the opportunity to advance forward.  Meanwhile, on board their ships.  Elite Veterans of the Black Legion teleported in to strike at critical targets.

Not even the Tau were spared...
Chaos Terminators appearing before the Tau gunline, attempting to blunt the Tau's firepower. 

Tau forces surrounded from all sides
Equipped with superior technology, the Tau forces intercepted the Chaos forces that teleported into battle, managing to blunt the Chao's forces alpha strike.  But will this be enough?  The Lord of Skulls has already closed in, ready to reap skulls in the name of Khorne.

Fire Warriors staying cool under duress
The forces of Chaos finally closed in while the Tau forces battle desperately to halt the Chaos advance.

Fur, fangs & sinew surge forwards towards the Tau
The Fire Warriors poured unloaded their entire clip of pulse rifles into the Khorne Flesh Hounds but with little effect. 

Last stand of the Space Marine Scouts
The Imperial Scouts having moved into position before the battle started, attempts to divert some attention from the gunline.  They succeeded but the was quickly cut down by Chaos Bike Squad.   The objective that they were guarding was lost to Chaos.

A Daemon Prince swoops in from the sky landing before the gunline

Tau and Imperial forces combined their fire power to bring down the Daemon but it was not enough to finish him off.

One Crisis suit dodging the melee attack from the Daemon

Surviving the barrage of weapon fire, the Daemon barreled its way into the Tau Crisis suits, slashing left and right.  Daemon weapon tearing through advance Tau armored suits.

Chaos Hounds rips into the heels of the Stormsurges.
Nearby, the Chaos Flesh Hounds leap onto the Stormsurges, some trying to climb onto the Stormsurge to rip the pilot off the warmachine.    With melee combat swirling all around, the Stormsurge pilots could not bring their heavy weapons to bear and focus on stomping at the Chaos Beast at their feet.   An Imperial Swords Dreadnought nearby closes in to assist the Tau in melee combat.

Chaos & Tau tries to dislodge one another from the objective

As the battle wears on, both Tau and Chaos forces are depleted.  Casualties are racking up on both sides.  But the battle rages on, with none willing to capitulate.

Tau finally dislodged from the objective
Despite the Tau's tenacity, they were no match for the Chaos savagery and brutality.  The remaining Fire Warriors & Devilfish Transport was torn asunder by the violent attacks from the Chaos Marine and Daemons.

Battle line has been pushed to the Tau's edge
As the battle draws to a close.  The Tau were contained within their own deployment zone, the Chaos forces has gained much ground.  Although the Tau depleted most of the Chaos forces, their own forces too were equally depleted and did not have enough numbers to fan out and retake the objectives.  

The Imperial Swords took light casualties but even then they too were locked within their deployment zone and lacked the mobility to retake the lost objectives in a timely fashion.   At long last, it seems like Chaos has emerged victorious again.  Another part of Agrellan Prime now falls under control of Warmaster Renzus.

Cutting their loses short, both Tau and Imperial Swords withdraw from the field of battle to regroup.

Monday, January 4, 2016

2015 Space Marine 40K List Overview

Imperial Swords Space Marines - 1000 Points
Date: Dec 2015

Space Marine Chaplain (95)

Dreadnought, Powerfist/Stormbolter & Assault Cannon (110)

1st Tactical Squad x 10 Marines (220)
Sergeant, Combi Plasma
Plasma Gun & Plasma Cannon
Transport: Rhino

2nd Tactical Squad x 10 Marines (210)
Sergeant, Combi Melta
Melta Gun & Multi-Melta
Transport: Rhino

Scout Squad x 5 Scouts (70)
CCW, Bolt Pistols & Camo Cloak
Sergeant, Meltabomb

9th Devastator Squad x 5 Marines (110)
Sergeant, Signum Bolter
Lascannons x 2


Vindicare Assassin (150)

After the Apoc game with Renzus and following his advice.  I got rid of Razorbacks and replaced them with Rhinos.  I swap the Predators out for 5 man Devastator.   This list will rely on the Rhinos to grab objectives while Devastators provide supporting fire power or bait the opponent to come to me.  Depending on situation and mission cards.  I will either stay and focus fire or fan out to grab objectives.  The Scouts held in reserve are generally there to either grab objectives or gun for line breaker via outflanking. 

It did okay against a drop pod list.  But the Dreadnought is a hit and miss.  If the opponent is not savvy, the Dreadnought can get in close combat and inflict some damage.  But even with 4As, it still means half will miss a generic marine trooper.  So every turn you are removing at most 1 or 2 models if you close in.  If you don't...well it is free frag.

In my first game with Farseer G, I conceded the game.  But with some tips from Farseer G and Ryanbo, I realize that this list while not as strong.  Can still turn a total defeat into a minor defeat.  It involves burning enemy turns while trying to survive.  Killing things that can be killed and running from things that cannot be killed.   

Imperial Swords Space Marines - 1000 Points
Date: 19th Sept 2015 ~ Dec 2015

Space Marine Chaplain (95)

Dreadnought, Powerfist/Stormbolter & Assault Cannon (110)

1st Tactical Squad x 10 Marines (205)
Sergeant, Powerfist & Combi Plasma
Plasma Gun & Plasma Cannon

2nd Tactical Squad x 10 Marines (240)
Sergeant, Poweraxe & Combi Melta
Melta Gun & Multi-Melta
Transport: Razorback, TL Lascannons

Scout Squad x 5 Scouts (70)
CCW, Bolt Pistols & Camo Cloak
Sergeant, Meltabomb

Predator Squadron x 2 Predator Tanks (280)
TL Lascannons, Sponson Lascannons

This list is an amended version of the below list.  Similarly, the predators are a dead weight.   The Assassin is swapped for another tact squad.  But unfortunately, one squad is still foot slogging so it faces the same problem as the below list.    It may have a little bit more staying power in ruins. 

Imperial Swords Space Marines - 1000 Points
Date: 16th May 2015 ~ Sept 2015

Space Marine Chaplain (100)
Auspex & Meltabombs

Dreadnought, Powerfist/Stormbolter & Assault Cannon (110)

1st Tactical Squad x 10 Marines (280)
Sergeant, Powerfist & Combi Plasma
Plasma Gun & Plasma Cannon
Transport: Razorback, TL Lascannons

Scout Squad x 5 Scouts (70)
CCW, Bolt Pistols & Camo Cloak
Sergeant, Meltabomb 

Predator Squadron x 2 Predator Tanks (290)
Stormbolter, TL Lascannons, Sponson Lascannons


Vindicare Assassin (150)

I played this list the most and it only works against inexperience players with a weak list and those who don't know what they are doing.   In Maelstrom missions this list just does not have the mobility to reach objective in time.  It is also very susceptible to being alpha striked by deepstrikers carrying melta weaponry. 

The Predator tanks itself is a massive point sink.  If you don't set-up properly, the Predators are a dead weight.  They cannot contest objective, cannot move fast.  If they move, they lose accuracy.   If the table is filled with lots of terrain that provides either cover or block LOS.  The Predators also don't contribute much either.  It does not really project a threat radius given its low rate of fire. 

I still believe the Assassin to be useful, with Ignore cover, hit & wound on 2+ and precision shot.   I find it allows me to simply pick off critical units.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

D&D: Straying off the path

CAMPAIGN SETTING:  Forgotton Realms
Alfard the Half Elven Bard (Ryanbo)
Weed the Human Wizard (Raiz)
Pink the Human Cleric (Vio)
Valenna Denethall the Human Paladin (Me)

NPC Companions
Eldeth - A Female Dwarf
"Prince Darendil" - The Ape-man that claims he is an Elven Prince
Brinjal - A sentient humanoid shroom, Brinjal is now unofficially Violet's pet
Bipipdo - A Deurgar (Dark Dwarf?)

Alfard the Bard while trying to lead his companions to him startle upon a group of Gnolls (a race of humanoids with canine head/features) and the Gnolls don't appear to be particularly friendly...
Previous Session

The Story so far:
It appears that the Gnolls do not take kindly to Alfard's appearance and is in no mood to talk.   Sizing Alfard up, the Gnoll pack leaves the runtiest among them to dispatch the fragile looking Alfard.  Not confident to take on the Gnoll mano a mano, Alfard makes a run for it while dropping Caltrops on the floor to dissuade the Gnoll from chasing him.

The Gnoll whips out a bow and unleashes her arrows at Alfard, one arrow hitting the bard squarely in his butt cheeks.  Despite the pain, Alfard continues to speed away.  Brief moments later, the companions catch up and witness Alfard fleeing for his life.  Valenna rushes forward with her sword drawn, bellowing at the Gnoll to surrender.  The Gnoll pays Valenna no heed and continues attacking with her bow.  The rest of the party patches up Alfard.

Valenna finally closes in on the Gnoll and both have their feet stung by the Caltrops that was dropped earlier by Alfard.  After a brief moment of battling each other, the adventurers finally triumphed.   Concern with more Gnolls in the vicinity.  They retreat back to entrance of the side tunnel and began to rest and regroup.

Darendil & Bipipdo were both tasked with keep watch while the rest recuperate.  While Deldeth forage for edible mushrooms.   Hours passed while the party rested, all of a sudden they are alerted by a loud scream.   Rushing to the vicinity, they find Bipipdo lying in a pool of blood.  It appears that someone or something has ambushed Bipipdo.    Pink the Cleric tries to resuscitate Bipipdo but he was already dead and there was nothing the party could do.  Valenna mutter a prayer for the fallen and the party set-off to investigate the "mysterious feminine voice" they all been hearing in their heads.

Following the voice, the party finally came upon another side entrance.   Pink notices that the floor was covered with tracks and this part of the tunnel appears to be constructed.   Cautiously the party advances into the tunnels.   As they delve deeper, they came upon an ante-chamber with a door in front and an ornate side door.   Inside the ante-chamber are two Gnolls and they surprised to find the party.   Alfard recognizes these as the Gnolls that he meet in the caverns earlier.

A fight ensues and the party emerge victorious due to overwhelming numbers.   While the party searches the ante-chamber, the door at the end of the chamber burst open.   The Gnoll pack leader standing one head taller than the earlier Gnolls faced by the party strode forward bellowing at Alfard.     The party turned their attention towards the Gnoll leader and dispatched it after an exhausting battle.    Searching the body, the party discovers that the Gnoll Leader was wielding an exquisitely ornate looking long-sword.   As no one was trained to wield martial weapons except for Valenna.  The Paladin picked up the longsword and handed her sword sword over to the Bard.  Taking the risk, the party decides to rest in the room and recuperate from their injuries.

Add caption

Things goes smoothly as their rest is not interrupted.   The band of adventurers then discovers that the side rooms were filled with sarcophagus and this place was a ancient temple of sorts dedicated to a forgotten god from a forgotten civilization.   As the party plans to plunder the tombs, Valenna was against the notion of ransacking the graves of the dead.  She prayed to her god and then mutter a prayer for the fallen as sign of respect.  The party truly carried out their plans to ransack the tomb and Valenia stood in their way.

Alone and not strongest in the group, Valenna was quickly overpowered by the rest of the party.  An ghostly being appeared above the tomb of the ornate Sarcophagi and warned the party not to disturb their rest.  Alfard being the one who pry the coffin lid off the Sarcophagi was filled with ill feeling.   After ripping the lid off, they discover that the ornate Sarcophagi contained only skeletal remains of the dead and nothing of value.

Moving to the next room, Valenna once again block the entrance to prevent her companions from looting the other sarcophagus.  As usual, not being very strong, the party shove her to the ground and continue their ways.  Unfortunately for them, neither of them is very strong either and they only manage to pry the lid off two Sarcophagus and found nothing of value on them.  After several minutes of searching high and low, pink discovers a lever behind one of the sarcophagus.   Weed, quickly runs into to pull the lever and this reveals a hidden door way but also triggers a trap.  Darts flew out at amazing speed and struck Weed in the chest, injuring him.   The party resumes formation with the Paladin in the front again as they descend the stairs and finally came upon another ornate tomb.

Seeing the party up to loot the tomb, Valenna once again stood in their way.  Alfard explained that they are here to free that "feminine voice" and the owner of the voice could be within the Sarcophagus.  Valenna also sensing a presence of evil finally relented and aided the party in lifting the lid off the Sarcophagus.

After several exhausting attempt by our not so strong adventurers, the party finally lifted the lid off.  A dark smoke billowed out and formed into a menacing smoky humanoid with skeletal feature.   The undead proclaim its identity and cursed the party for trepassing and threatened them with their doom.  Alfard & Weed both attempts to negotiate with the smokey ghostly figure but does not appear to have much success.

The Paladin sensing an immense presence of evil emanating from the ghostly figure, draws out her sword and threatens to smite the Wraith as negotiations break down.  Lunging forward, Valenia strikes at the Wraith repeatingly.  The rest of the party now forced to fight, join in the battle.  Crossbow bolts from Alfard and Pink pierced into the ghostly figure.  Darendil & Deldeth slashed their shortswords at the Wraith.  Weed struck out with his twin daggers.   The Wraith then, gestures in a dramatic fashion and yelling for his minions to join him in dispatching the foolish trepassers.  An eerie howl was heard from above the above the underground temple.

Knowing that they could be surrounded anytime, soon the party rained flurry of blows upon the Wraith.  Yet the undead still stood before them.   Again, it howled out for aid and another eerie scream was heard from above.  Within moments, another ghostly figure with skull appeared behind the party.  The specter lashed out at the Bard but the Bard deftly stepped aside.   Weed mutters an incantation and blasts the Wraith with a ray of frost.  The Undead howled in rage and struck back at Weed with cold & lifeless dark tendrils.   Weed, collapsed to the ground as he was already injured by the traps earlier on.   Pink quickly rushes to her husband's side and attempt to stabilize his condition while the party continue to focus their attacks on the Wraith.

After a grueling battle with the combined attacks of the whole party, the Wraith is finally weakened.  The Undead let out a blood curdling howl as the Ornate longsword plunge into its skull.    The Wraith rapidly dissipated into nothingness.   The Specters that it suppose also faded into thin air.

Gathering their senses, the party search the tomb and discovers an ornate staff, beautifully carved.   The party could once again hear the feminine voice thanking them for releasing her.   Weed picking up the staff realizes that the voice belonged to the ornate staff.   And that he is wielding a sentient magical item of power.

After spending time resting and communing with the staff, Weed learns that the Staff has capability to dispense fireballs.  As a sentient, it also has its own memories and knowledge which Weed may later be able to tap on.   With Bipipdo dead, the party had no guide as to where the village they could properly rest up and resupply themselves.

While Weed consulted his staff, Eldeth pointed to a general direction which Bipipdo said the village was.  The party once more set off to find a resting place while foraging for food in the underdark.   While doing so, the party once more encounters blood sucking giant mosquitoes and with some effort finally got rid of them.

Several days passed and the party found the tunnel they had to passed through filled with Cobwebs.   Weed decides to demonstrate the power of the Staff of Fire and let loose a ball of fire.  The fireball flew into the tunnel and exploded, engulfing giant spiders and their webs in fire.    With the giant spiders effortlessly dispatched, they continue their way.

Days later the party finally arrives the massive underground lake.  This area was so massive that no ceiling can be seen and the only light source appeared to be luminous fungi.  With limited lighting, the party could not make out where the boundaries of the lake are but could tell that it might be the size of a small sea.

Moments later, a group of fish like people appeared out of the bushes.  Alfard attempted to negotiate but only to learn that the fish people are not cooperative and only saw the party as food or sacrificing the party to the Deep Father.
 Several minutes later, the group hears another rustling and are surrounded by another group of identical fish people but with different color markings.  The second group introduced themselves as worshippers of the sea mother and demanded that the party assist them in slaying the first group.

Alfard continues to buy time by talking to the fish people.  Valenna unsure who to aid, kneels down and pray to her god seeking guidance.  Eldeth joins Valenna in prayer and prays to her Dwarven gods.  Weed frustrated that this is going nowhere, rips out his two daggers and rushes forward to stab one of the fish people.  Unfortunately, he trips over and falls down.  The fish people sensing Weed's aggressive intentions now ready their weapons to do battle....

Overview: 2015 Painting Progress

Models I completed in 2015.  By completed, this means assembled, painted, final touch-ups done (decals/base) and protective coating done.  Models are ready to play.

1.  1st Space Marine Tactical Squad x 10 (Done by End March)
2.  Space Marine Dreadnought (Done by End March)
3.  Space Marine Chaplain (Done by End March)
4.  Space Marine Razorback x 1 (Done by End June)
5.  Space Marine Predator x 2 (Done by End June)
6.  Vindicare Assassin x 1 (Done by End August)
7.  2nd Space Marine Tactical Squad x 10 (Done by End September)
8.  9th Space Marine Devastator Squad x 10 (Done by End November)
9.  Space Marine Librarian x 1 (Done by December)

Total Points Painted: 1465 points (Based on Wargear/Squad Upgrades from WYSIWYG)
A 5 man tactical squad and a 3rd Predator tank is in progress both are 80% done.  Another Razorback is in progress at 30% done.  Need to be more discipline and play less DOTA2.

Overview: 2015 40K Game Performance

Below are my performance for year 2015, there were games played much earlier but I did not record the results or remembered them.   It appears that on most 1 vs 1 missions, I lost majority of my games.  Performing slightly better in team games due to either easier match-ups or if it is a hard match-up my partners were facing the brunt of the enemy attacks.
 P.S: I think my Chapter has been wiped out at this point - if we go by fluff and numbers.  

Record Start Date: 16th May 2015

Total Unit Lost: 422 | Total Units Killed: 344 | Kill Rate: 0.82
Total Games Lost: 19  |   Total Games Won: 5   | Total Success Rate 20.83%

Entry: 31st Dec (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords vs Eldar/White Scars | Maelstrom 1000 vs 1000 points | 
Result:  Defeat  (7 vs 9)
5 Space Marine Devastators
1 Scouts
20 Space Marine Tacticals
2 Rhino
1 Chaplain
1 Dreadnought
1 Vindicare

4 Eldar Jetbikes
2 Space Marine Command Squad Biker
5 Scouts

Unit Lost: 30 | Units Killed: 5 | Kill Rate:0.35
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Imperial Swords vs Eldar/White Scars | Maelstrom 1000 vs 1000 points | 
Result:  Defeat (Concede)
5 Space Marine Devastators
5 Scouts
16 Space Marine Tacticals
2 Rhino
1 Chaplain
1 Dreadnought
1 Vindicare

3 Eldar Jetbikes
1 Space Marine Command Squad Biker
1 Eldar Warlock

Unit Lost: 30 | Units Killed: 5 | Kill Rate:0.16
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Entry: 24th Dec (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords vs "Salamanders" | Maelstrom 1000 vs 1000 points | Result:  Defeat (7 vs 9)
5 Space Marine Devastators
12 Space Marine Tacticals
3 Scouts
1 Chaplain
2 Rhino APC

2 Drop Pod
1 Librarian
5 Space Marine Command
16 Space Marine Tacticals

Imperial Swords vs "Salamanders" | Maelstrom 1110 vs 1000 points | Result:  Draw (9 vs 7)
10 Space Marine Devastators
8 Space Marine Tacticals
5 Scouts
1 Vindicare Assassin

2 Drop Pods
1 Librarian
5 Space Marine Command
15 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Inquisitor

Unit Lost: 47 | Units Killed: 48 | Kill Rate:1.02
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Entry: 22nd Nov (Damocles Event Part 2)
Imperial Swords/Tau Empire vs Chaos Space Marine / Khorne Daemonkin| 
Apocalypse 5200 points | Result:  Defeat (6 vs 3)
5 Space Marine Tactical
5 Scouts

1 Heldrake
1 Soul Grinder
3 Warhounds of Khorne
3 Chaos Bikers
12 Chaos Terminator

Unit Lost: 10 | Units Killed: 20 | Kill Rate:2.0
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate0%

Entry: 25th Oct (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords/"Salamanders" vs Chaos Space Marine | 
Maelstrom 2000 points | Result:  Defeat (9 vs 10)
2 Space Marine Tactical
5 Scouts

5 Zombies
12 Chaos Space Marines
4 Chaos Terminators
2 Chaos Rhinos
1 Chaos Predator
1 Hellbrute
1 Chaos Sorcerer

Unit Lost: 7 | Units Killed: 26 | Kill Rate:3.71
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate0%

Entry: 17th Oct (Damocles Campaign - Side Event)
Imp Swds/Eldar/Blood Angels/Dark Angels vs Chaos Space Marine/Khorne Daemonkin
Apocalypse 8000 points | Result Defeat (10 vs 14)
5 Space Marine Scouts
4 Space Marine Tacticals

1 Bloodthirster
1 Abaddon the Despoiler
15 Cultist
2 Chaos Warlords
5 Chaos Terminators
4 Chaos Obliterators
2 Fleshhounds 

Unit Lost: 9 | Units Killed: 30 | Kill Rate:3.33
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate: 0% 

Entry: 19th Sept (2 vs 2 Tournament)
Imp Swds/Space Wolves vs Blood Angels/Necrons | Maelstrom 2000 points | 
Result: Defeat (18 vs 7)
1 Predator
5 Space Marine Scouts
5 Space Marine Tacticals

1 Baal Predator
2 Necron Tomb Blades
3 Necron Immortals
2 Necron Warriors
1 Razorback

Imp Swds/Space Wolves vs Blood Angels/Ultramarine | Maelstrom 2000 points | 
Result: Defeat (14 vs 12)
1 Predator
1 Razorback
9 Tactical Space Marines

2 Assault Marines

Imp Swds/Space Wolves vs Tyranid/Eldar | Maelstrom 2000 points | 
Result: Defeat (Concede)
2 Predator
1 Razorback
5 Scouts
15 Tactical Space Marines
1 Chaplain

Unit Lost: 46 | Units Killed: 11 | Kill Rate: 0.24
Games Lost: 3  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Entry: 29th August (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords/Space Wolves vs Chaos Space Marine | 
Maelstrom 2000 points | Result:  Victory (4 vs 3)
1 Space Marine Tactical
1 Predator

2 Plague Marines
1 Chaos Landraider
1 Chaos Rhino
2 Chaos Obliterator

Unit Lost: 2 | Units Killed: 6 | Kill Rate:3.0
Games Lost: 0  |  Games Won: 1   | Success Rate100%

Entry: 23rd August (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords/Lum Marines vs Black Angels/Red Scorpions | 
Maelstrom 2000 points | Result:  Defeat (7 vs 11)
14 Space Marine Tacticals
5 Scouts
2 Predators
1 Razorback
1 Dreadnought

1 Vindicator
2 Space Marine Devastator
1 Assault Space Marine

Unit Lost: 23 | Units Killed: 4 | Kill Rate: 0.17
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Entry: 8th August (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords vs Ultramarines | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result:  Victory (8 vs 4)
1 Chaplain
3 Space Marine Tacticals
5 Scouts

17 Assault Marines
1 Terminator Librarian
8 Tactical Marines
1 Vindicator Tank

Unit Lost: 9 | Units Killed: 27 | Kill Rate:3.0
Games Lost: 0  |  Games Won: 1   | Success Rate100%

Entry: 1st August (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords vs Legion of the Damned | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result:  Draw (5 vs 5)
1 Chaplain
10 Space Marine Tacticals
2 Predators
1 Razorback
1 Dreadnought
5 Scouts

10 Scouts
6 Legion of the Damned

Unit Lost: 20 | Units Killed: 16 | Kill Rate: 0.8
Games Lost: 0  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Entry: 19th July 2015 (Eternal War)
Space Wolf/Chaos Space Marine/Legion of the Damned vs Team Space Marines  | 
Purge the Xenos 1000 points each player / 3000 points per team | Result: Victory (8 vs 9)
1 Chaplain
3 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Predators
1 Razorback

4 Legion of the Damned
1 Vindicare Assassin
1 Chaos Landraider

Unit Lost: 6 | Units Killed: 6 | Kill Rate: 1.0
Games Lost: 0  |  Games Won: 1   | Success Rate 100%

Entry: 4th July 2015 (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords vs Black Templars | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result:  Defeat (4 vs 14)
1 Chaplain
10 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Vindicare Assassin
2 Predators
1 Razorback
1 Dreadnought

1 Landspeeder
1 Space Marine Devastator

Unit Lost: 16 | Units Killed: 2 | Kill Rate: 0.13
Games Lost: 1  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Entry: 27th June 2015 (Maelstrom Mission)
Imperial Swords vs Astral Claws | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result: Victory (16 vs 13)
1 Chaplain
5 Space Marine Scouts
10 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Vindicare Assassin

1 Space Marine Captain
3 Space Marine Command
9 Space Marine Bikes
1 Space Marine Attack Bike
1 Space Marine Stormtalon

Unit Lost: 17 | Units Killed: 15 | Kill Rate: 0.88
Games Lost: 0  |  Games Won: 1   | Success Rate 100%

Entry: 13th June 2015 (Rookie Rumble Tournament)
Imperial Swords vs Black Templars | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result: Defeat (9 vs 17)
1 Razorback
1 Chaplain
5 Space Marine Scouts
10 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Vindicare Assassin

1 Space Marine Rhino
1 Landraider Crusader
9 Space Marine Bikes
5 Space Marine Neophytes
2 Space Marine Initiates

Imperial Swords vs Space Wolves | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result: Victory (15 vs 1)
1 Chaplain
5 Space Marine Scouts
5 Space Marine Tacticals

1 Stormwolf Assault Craft
5 Longfang
1 Wolf Priest
3 Thunderwolf Calvary
5 Grey Hunters

Imperial Swords vs Space Wolves | Maelstrom 1000 points | Defeat: Victory (1 vs 7)
10 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Chaplain
1 Dreadnought
2 Predators
1 Razorback
1 Vindicare Assassin 
5 Space Marine Scouts

10 Wolves

Unit Lost: 50 | Units Killed: 43 | Kill Rate: 0.86
Games Lost: 2  |  Games Won: 1   | Success Rate 33%

Entry: 6th June 2015
Imperial Swords vs Astral Claws | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result: Defeat (7 vs 9)
1 Razorback
1 Chaplain
4 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Vindicare Assassin

1 Space Marine Captain on Bike
5 Space Marine Command Squad on Bike
8 Space Marine Bikes
1 Space Marine Attack Bike
1 Landspeeder Typhoon

Imperial Swords vs Astra Militarum | Maelstrom 1000 points | Result: Defeat (6 vs 11)
10 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Chaplain
1 Dreadnought
2 Predators
1 Razorback
1 Vindicare Assassin 
5 Space Marine Scouts

3 Heavy Weapon Teams

Unit Lost: 28 | Units Killed: 19 | Kill Rate: 0.68 
Games Lost: 2  | Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%

Entry: 16th May 2015
Imperial Sword vs Ravenwing | Campaign 1000 points | Results: Defeat
10 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Chaplain
1 Dreadnought
2 Predators
1 Razorback
1 Vindicare Assassin 
5 Space Marine Scouts

8 Ravenwing Bikes

Imperial Sword vs Black Templars | Maelstrom 1000 points | Results: Defeat (6 vs 8)
1 Space Marine Tactical
1 Predator
5 Space Marine Scouts
1 Dreadnought
1 Vindicare Assassin

1 Vindicator
1 Culexus Assassin
1 Landraider Crusader
5 Space Marine Scouts

Imperial Sword vs Blood Angels | Killteam 200 points | Results: Defeat
6 Space Marine Tacticials

1 Blood Angel Assault Marine 

Imperial Sword & Ravenwing vs Chaos Space Marine & Khorne Daemonkin
Campaign 750/1250 points | Results: Inconclusive
10 Space Marine Tacticals
1 Razorback

5 Khorne Warhounds
1 Chaos Space Marine
1 Maulerfiend

Unit Lost: 47 | Units Killed: 24 | Kill Rate: 0.51
Games Lost: 3  |  Games Won: 0   | Success Rate 0%