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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Apocalypse: Damocles Gulf Crusade II

The continuation of previous apocalypse campaign game.   Unfortunately, many participants could not make it in time and only a handful turn up for the game itself.  The side event became the "main event" whereby Tau and Imperium teamed up against the forces of Chaos who were also present in the previous side event.

APOCALYPSE (3 vs 1) - 5000 points per side.

Team Chaos
1. Lord Renzus (Chaos Space Marines/Khorne Daemonkin)

Team Space Knights & Space Elves
1. Cmdr R (Tau Empire)
2. Cmdr A (Tau Empire)
3. Me (Imperial Swords Space Marines)

Following the previous battle, Imperium suffered heavy casualties while defending Agrellan Prime from Tau and forces of Chaos.   The White Scars & Black Templars has retreated into the safety of the most fortified city that remains in Imperial control.  The Blood Angels & Dark Angel forces were so depleted that both chapters have withdrawn from the conflict.

The Tau too has suffered casualties and have withdrawn to the areas that they have captured from the Imperium while awaiting further directions from the Greater Good.   Meanwhile the forces of Chaos lead by Warmaster Renzus now ravages Agrellan unopposed.

On the Imperium side, only the Imperial Swords remained largely intact as it was ignored by the forces of Chaos during the previous battle.    Desperate to halt the advance of Chaos, the Imperial Swords did the unthinkable and sought aid from the Tau Empire.

The Tau Empire seeing the threat posed by the forces of Chaos agreed to the alliance.  After-all if the battle went their way, they could deal with the Imperium with greater ease knowing reinforcements are already en-route.

Tau gunline arrayed against the enemy
The Tau Empire & Imperial alliance are deployed across the battle field as a layered gunlines. The goal is to weaken the forces of Chaos as they take time to close in and advance.

Chaos Bike Squad advancing behind the cover of the Chaos Warmachine
However, the forces of Chaos came prepared.  Not under estimating the fire power of the Tau forces.  Chaos forces brought along a special shield generator that projected such a powerful force field that prevented no shooting attacks to penetrate it.  Not even orbital barrage were a match for the forcefield.

A small token force is dispatched to deal with the successor chapter

With the Forcefield in effect, the forces of Chaos seize the opportunity to advance forward.  Meanwhile, on board their ships.  Elite Veterans of the Black Legion teleported in to strike at critical targets.

Not even the Tau were spared...
Chaos Terminators appearing before the Tau gunline, attempting to blunt the Tau's firepower. 

Tau forces surrounded from all sides
Equipped with superior technology, the Tau forces intercepted the Chaos forces that teleported into battle, managing to blunt the Chao's forces alpha strike.  But will this be enough?  The Lord of Skulls has already closed in, ready to reap skulls in the name of Khorne.

Fire Warriors staying cool under duress
The forces of Chaos finally closed in while the Tau forces battle desperately to halt the Chaos advance.

Fur, fangs & sinew surge forwards towards the Tau
The Fire Warriors poured unloaded their entire clip of pulse rifles into the Khorne Flesh Hounds but with little effect. 

Last stand of the Space Marine Scouts
The Imperial Scouts having moved into position before the battle started, attempts to divert some attention from the gunline.  They succeeded but the was quickly cut down by Chaos Bike Squad.   The objective that they were guarding was lost to Chaos.

A Daemon Prince swoops in from the sky landing before the gunline

Tau and Imperial forces combined their fire power to bring down the Daemon but it was not enough to finish him off.

One Crisis suit dodging the melee attack from the Daemon

Surviving the barrage of weapon fire, the Daemon barreled its way into the Tau Crisis suits, slashing left and right.  Daemon weapon tearing through advance Tau armored suits.

Chaos Hounds rips into the heels of the Stormsurges.
Nearby, the Chaos Flesh Hounds leap onto the Stormsurges, some trying to climb onto the Stormsurge to rip the pilot off the warmachine.    With melee combat swirling all around, the Stormsurge pilots could not bring their heavy weapons to bear and focus on stomping at the Chaos Beast at their feet.   An Imperial Swords Dreadnought nearby closes in to assist the Tau in melee combat.

Chaos & Tau tries to dislodge one another from the objective

As the battle wears on, both Tau and Chaos forces are depleted.  Casualties are racking up on both sides.  But the battle rages on, with none willing to capitulate.

Tau finally dislodged from the objective
Despite the Tau's tenacity, they were no match for the Chaos savagery and brutality.  The remaining Fire Warriors & Devilfish Transport was torn asunder by the violent attacks from the Chaos Marine and Daemons.

Battle line has been pushed to the Tau's edge
As the battle draws to a close.  The Tau were contained within their own deployment zone, the Chaos forces has gained much ground.  Although the Tau depleted most of the Chaos forces, their own forces too were equally depleted and did not have enough numbers to fan out and retake the objectives.  

The Imperial Swords took light casualties but even then they too were locked within their deployment zone and lacked the mobility to retake the lost objectives in a timely fashion.   At long last, it seems like Chaos has emerged victorious again.  Another part of Agrellan Prime now falls under control of Warmaster Renzus.

Cutting their loses short, both Tau and Imperial Swords withdraw from the field of battle to regroup.

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